Four Weddings

Summit Catering’s Bride and Groom, Linsie and Drew, WIN TLC’s “Four Weddings”!
Summit Catering would like to proudly congratulate one of our all-time favorite couples, Linsie and Drew. They WON TLC’s Four Wedding television show for BEST overall wedding!!! Special thanks to the incredible wedding staff at Summit, our talented chefs (the other brides loved the food!), DiBartolo Bakery for the beautiful cake, Time Productions for the great entertainment, Valenzano Winery for a killer venue and great wine, and our son, Jake, for making the “Mr. & Mrs.” in corks for the fireplace! Linsie and Drew – all of us congratulate you on a well-deserved honeymoon in Tuscany, and truly wish a lifetime of happiness! The win could not have gone to a better couple!